When Captain America first meets President Ross in Brave New World, he remarks, "I have to admit, I'm still getting used to the new look." The line serves as a clever nod to real-world changes ...
Captain America: Brave New World removed Sam Wilson's best line from the film that perfectly sums up why he is the MCU's titular hero. On the whole, the film did a good job of solidifying Sam as ...
Steve Rogers' actions repeatedly demonstrated that he will always value moral decisions above blind obedience to directives. Through ten vital instances, Captain America showed his defiance of ...
There’s an American desire for Black people to lead the charge when it comes to effecting change, and now even a Black superhero film is asked to wage war against MAGA-land, something that never would ...
“Captain America: Brave New World” was expected ... Disney pushed its Marvel assembly lines to run faster and faster. After awhile, quality suffered and ticket sales declined.