257. "'O blessed light, O Trinity and first Unity!' [LH, Hymn for Evening Prayer.] God is eternal blessedness, undying life, unfading light. God is love: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God freely ...
Blessed Trinity live on the NFHS Network ... The Titans started their season with two blowout wins over St. Pius X Catholic and Holy Innocents, and they've given up just 28 points total through ...
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. O Living Bread, Who from Heaven descended, have mercy on us. Hidden God and Savior, have mercy on us. Grain of the ...
Few, however, have a reputation on par with St. Albert the Great Blessed Trinity, selling 1,200 pounds of fish Wednesday, and another 1,200 pounds Friday; more than one ton in just two days.
When the Blessed Trinity parish was established in 1906, few would have imagined that just 22 years later the parish would complete one of the most extraordinary religious buildings ever ...
Occasionally, I am tempted to put chronology in the dire prophecies that continue to be transmitted by Heaven through credible Catholic mystics. There are so ma ...