On January 27, 1945, about 7,000 Jewish prisoners were freed from the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp ... old father and grandfather living in New Jersey. To mark the 80th anniversary ...
See "Voices of Auschwitz," a one-hour documentary marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp, at CNNgo ... America and started a new life and a new family ...
In a concentration camp in Germany this was the total space 3 inmates had to live in. Here at Auschwitz's new camp the original plan was to cram 9 prisoners into the same space. 550 in every barrack.
Although it focuses on Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration camp, its frame of reference are the cataclysmic events that led to Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, the horrendous persecution of ...
A sign being held at Begin Gate in Tel Aviv, reminiscent of the sign over the entrance to the Auschwitz concentration camp, reading “Until the last hostage.” (credit: Benny Meshy ...
Höss even adopted the cynical motto of Dachau concentration camp in Germany—Arbeit Macht Frei—"Work makes you free"—and emblazoned it on the new gates of Auschwitz. The Polish prisoners now ...