Now, his arresting officer, Kiran Kimbrough, who is also a Black man, has just been fired, the Atlanta Police Department announced yesterday. The incident remains an “active and ongoing ...
Now-former Atlanta police officer Kiran Kimbrough pulled Hollman over and told him he needed to sign a traffic ticket. Hollman refused and Kimbrough hit Hollman with a Taser. In October ...
The family of a deacon who died after an Atlanta police officer used a Taser ... while refusing to sign a traffic citation. Officer Kiran Kimbrough was fired, and the family reached a settlement ...
An autopsy report concluded Hollman died of cardiac dysrhythmia resulting from a tasing by then-Officer Kiran Kimbrough ... unresponsive. Kimbrough was fired from the Atlanta Police Department ...
Atlanta police separately suspended two officers ... struggle where he was handcuffed and tased by former Atlanta officer Kiran Kimbrough for refusing to sign a traffic citation.