Pakistan, and indeed all 12 of the snow leopard range countries, have made great strides in halting and reversing declines of snow leopards.
A female snow leopard with her three male cubs were captured in a single frame in Gilgit-Baltistan with the expert who caught them calling it an extraordinary event for snow leopards to ...
Dr Francksen said snow leopards are native to the mountain ranges of central and south Asia, such as Afghanistan, the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. They live above 10,000ft (3,000m), though ...
Gilgit-Baltistan's (GB) rare-sighted snow leopards, which were spotted in an extraordinary wildlife event last week, have attacked goats near a village, said wildlife expert Sakhawat Ali.
Afghanistan's National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA) said on Monday it has set free more than 15,000 pieces of ...
Uzdenov noted that today the snow leopard resides in four regions of ... Some 180 participants from 12 countries, including Russia, Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan ...