Each of the four towns’ hearings are from 6 to 7:30 p.m., with Orland gathering at the Alamoosook Lakeside Inn on Feb. 5, Surry at the Surry Elementary School gymnasium on Feb. 10, Blue Hill at ...
If you want to enjoy all of Maine's beauty without sharing personal space with other people, there's a coastal town that ...
In the 1,200-person town of Fayette alone, abandoned roads expert Roberta Manter estimates there are 20 public easements. Discontinuances weren’t required to be reported to the Maine Department ...
CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) will be auctioning off hundreds of acres of land near Mountainburg on March 13, land that is home to ruins from towns in Arkansas ...
Take a step back in time while visiting these historic – and slightly spooky – ghost towns. While the term "ghost town" may sound like a village haunted by spirits, it actually refers to an ...