Here you will find videos and activities about the Stone Age. Try them out, and then test your knowledge with a short quiz before exploring the rest of the collection. Narrator: Excuse me.
Sapiens allows players to evolve civilizations from the Stone Age to modern times. Roots of Pacha focuses on slow community growth and bonding in a prehistoric setting. Stone Rage stands out with ...
NARRATOR:It is now 7000 years ago and here we are right in the middle of what we call, ‘The Stone Age’. No prizes for ... who could tell them if the facts used in making this clip are accurate?
The discovery shows that humans' remarkable ability to adapt is the real reason major advances happened during the Stone Age.
This artifact was used for scraping fur from animal hides. For European and American Stone Age peoples, end scrapers served as heavy- duty scraping tools that could have been used on animal hides ...